Craniosacral Therapy
Craniosacral therapy is a gentle, non-invasive way of working on the body using light touch and holding techniques. Developed from osteopathy it works on the craniosacral system which includes the bones of the skull, face and spine. Through gentle touch in these areas, the therapist can feel imbalances and restrictions in the body caused by past trauma and stress. Falls, accidents, muscular and nervous tension can all cause restrictions. Craniosacral therapists can help release these restrictions and help rebalance the body. Most people find this a deeply relaxing treatment.
While being gentle, Craniosacral Therapy can be very effective and powerful. I have worked with clients who suffer from cancer, tinnitus, TMJ syndrome, headaches, panic attacks, depression, anxiety, and grief. I love working with babies, and I have supported premature new-borns in a neonatal intensive care unit.
During both Craniosacral and Sound therapy, clients remain fully dressed in loose and comfortable clothing.
You may be referred to me by a yoga teacher, osteopath, doctor, or dentist. I would love to have the opportunity to help you feel happier, more relaxed, which, in turn, will rejuvenate you and allow you to flourish and potentially achieve more in life.
Whitfield, Dover
£ 55 per adult session (session last between 50 to 60 min )
£ 45 per child session (session last between 30 to 50 min )
Neonatal Unit Ashford £ 95 per session
Visits to a care home can be made upon arrangement
Gift cards available - purchase here